Second Party Opinion

imug rating offers issuers of green, social and sustainable bonds a credible external verification in shape of a Second Party Opinion (SPO). The verification is carried out according to recognised standards, such as the Green Bond Principles of the ICMA or Green Loan Principles of the LMA/LSTA.

Christina Tyca

The path to sustainable financing

Issuers can use a sustainable financing instrument, such as a green or social bond, to raise debt capital from investors for social or environmental projects. This not only allows them to diversify their investor base, but also gives them access to innovative financing on the bond and promissory note market. Issuers must ensure that the proceeds from the bond issuance are used for the designated projects. To this end, the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) has defined process and transparency requirements within the Green Bond Principles, Social Bond Principles and Sustainability Bond Guidelines. An external verification (Second Party Opinion) supports issuers in creating transparency in the market for sustainable financing. After the issuance, we continue to support the issuer: in case of adjustments to the financing plans with an update of the SPO or by reviewing the reporting.

How does imug rating create a Second Party Opinion?

We support issuers from the private and public sectors from the joint kick-off meeting through our independent verification to the compliant Second Party Opinion.

Once the timetable has been jointly determined, we review the frameworkprepared by the issuer. The framework demonstrates that the issuer commits to use the proceeds for the intended purpose. At the same time, the issuer answers a questionnaire on ESG management to explain how it deals with environmental or social risks. After the exchange with employees of the issuer under review, we prepare the draft version of the SPO, on the basis of which the final verification is prepared and published by the issuer.

According to which standards does imug rating check?

imug rating offers Second Party Opinions for a wide range of issuances and other financing instruments: from green, social or sustainable bonds to green and social covered bonds, promissory notes and bearer bonds. We confirm the in-depth review of the issuance using the following standards, among others:

Review of the requirements for sustainable financing according to:

  1. Green and Social Bond Principles of the International Capital Market Association (ICMA)
  2. Green and Social Loan Principles of the Loan Market Association (LMA, LSTA)
  3. Sustainability Bond Guidelines (ICMA)
  4. Sustainability-linked Bond Principles (ICMA)

Sustainable assessment of projects via:

  1. Taxonomy of the Climate Bond Initiative (CBI Taxonomy)
  2. EU Taxonomy

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