imug rating is part of the independent European rating, research and advisory group EthiFinance. The Group provides investors, companies and organisations with solutions to the challenges of financing as well as environmental and societal transformation. EthiFinance has around 150 employees at its offices in Granada, Hanover, Lyon, Madrid and Paris. Learn more about EthiFinance
As a partner in the DACH region, imug rating has stood for sustainability-related ESG advisory, data and reports as well as for leading Second Party Opinions, Sustainability Ratings and expert opinions for over 25 years.
imug rating is a recognised auditor of Green Bonds and Loans according to ICMA and LMA as well as Climate Bonds Approved Verifier. The quality management is certified according to ISO 9001, which is unique in the industry.
The company is a data partner of Moody’s*, signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investments (PRI), and is a member of the Forum Nachhaltige Geldanlagen (FNG), the Corporate Responsibility Interface Centre (CRIC), and Kapitalmarkt KMU.
We have always operated independently of external interests and with the highest standards of quality and transparency. As a sustainability rating agency, we build bridges between the financial market and the real economy – a position that entails responsibility. We have been part of the European EthiFinance Group since March 2023.
Since our establishment, we have been analysing and reviewing sustainable financial products and investments. Our many years of expertise ensure that we can provide our clients with information and assessments that are credible and of the highest quality. We conduct our sustainability research exclusively in accordance with recognised and methodologically sound procedures.
First business, then sustainability? That is how it is usually done. For us it has been different from the very beginning: sustainability is our business. We are committed to international sustainability norms and standards, such as the 17 UN SDGs and the Paris climate goals. For us, science and stakeholder interests are not just accessories, but the foundation.
We conduct our sustainability research exclusively in accordance with recognised and methodologically sound procedures. We have defined strict quality requirements for all research activities and client processes. To align these even more closely with recognised standards, imug rating has been undergoing an external audit in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 quality management standard since 2019.
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